1. What is the Teacher Apprenticeship Program?
The Teacher Apprenticeship Program (TAP) is an intensive, full time eleven week apprenticeship program for individuals interested in teaching in early childhood classrooms. In order to build high quality early childhood education classrooms, we know that teachers benefit from hands-on learning experiences with mentor teachers and sustained time to engage in learning about best practices as an early childhood teacher. During the eleven week apprenticeship period, a group of up to twelve individuals will be selected to participate in the program, as apprentice teachers. Each apprentice teacher is placed in a model early childhood classroom side by side with a mentor teacher for five hours each morning. In the afternoon, the apprentice teachers gather for a collaborative seminar. Our goal is to place 200 DAY ONE teachers in Poughkeepsie and Dutchess County over the next five years.
2. Who is eligible to participate in this program?
Individuals of varied experience levels and educational backgrounds are invited to apply to the Teacher Apprenticeship Program. Applicants need: • either a minimum of a high school diploma and one year working with children between the ages of birth to 5 or • A CDA, associates or bachelors degree. We welcome applications from teachers about to complete their CDA, associates or bachelors degrees. We also welcome experienced teachers who have been working in the field for many years. • Applicants are required to be vaccinated for COVID-19.
3. Why should I apply to this program?
DAY ONE TAP is designed as a professional cohort building model for early childhood educators, and others working with young children. The apprentice teachers participating in each eleven week cohort will create and share materials throughout the apprenticeship, thus multiplying their resources that can then be taken back into their home classroom or to a new job. Each cohort is also designed to provide ongoing support and resources to one another as professional early childhood educators.
4. How much does it cost to participate in TAP?
There are no costs to the apprentice teacher, other than their own transportation to their placement school and the DAY ONE TAP workshop. As part of your participation in DAY ONE TAP, you will receive a stipend of $500 per week. In addition, you will receive a set of resources and purchased materials to use in your early childhood classrooms.
5. Where do apprentices get placed?
If you are selected as an apprentice teacher, you will be placed in an early childhood classroom in a DAY ONE affiliate school, alongside one or more master teachers. You will work in the classroom for five hours each morning for 11 weeks (55 days).
6. What happens in the afternoon seminar each day?
The cohort of apprentice teachers comes together each afternoon for two and a half hours. The adult class each afternoon will focus on the teachers’ hands-on experiences in the early childhood classrooms. A model curriculum designed for adult learners will include daily reflection of classroom teaching experiences, introduction of new content, and provide preparation time to implement that content the following day.
7. What is a typical daily schedule for a teacher in TAP?
A typical daily schedule might look like this: 7:45 a.m. to 12:45 pm: work in placement classroom with mentor teacher 12:45 pm to 1:15 pm: drive to DAY ONE apprenticeship classroom in downtown Poughkeepsie 1:15 pm to 1:30 pm: arrive and settle in for afternoon seminar 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm: interactive seminar with apprentice cohort 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm: use DAY ONE workshop materials to prepare for classroom experiences the following day; keep daily records You will have reading assignments to complete each evening. Readings can also be done in advance on the weekend.
8. What happens when I have completed the Teacher Apprenticeship Program?
Apprentice teachers successfully completing the eleven week apprenticeship program will be eligible for a monthly stipend as long as certain criteria continue to be met (e.g. demonstration of ongoing best practices in the classroom; continued employment in an early childhood home, center or school within Dutchess or Ulster County; continued participation in ongoing supervision mentorship.)
9. How do I apply?
Apply online for the upcoming cohort at: https://www.dayoneearlylearning.org/teacher-apprenticeship-program-application/

Nondiscrimination Statement 

DAY ONE Early Learning Community shall not discriminate against any individual or group for reasons of race, color, creed, sex, age, culture, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, mental or physical handicap, or any category protected by state or federal law.